Tuesday 17 May 2011

The Snail

I can't recall the whole article but I read a very interesting piece once on how people relate to their homes. 

Some people, for example see their home as their lounge, it is where they entertain, the base from which they extend their social network. These people tend to have immaculate, flashy homes from which to impress. People are always invited round. 

There are those who see their homes as tents. Always seeing it as just one of many future dwellings. How they decorate is unsentimental. Everything can be chucked without much care in that event that a quick getaway or a big career move is required. 

Then there are those who have their homes as the office. It is an extension of their operative selves. Neat, functional, efficient, fully equipped. Home exists to make life easy.

Some people see home more traditionally, a retreat to which the family gathers. Memories and mementos litter the place. It is cosy, every bit of furnishing provides comfort.

Yet another group sees their home as their bunker. Where they escape to, only the most trusted are allowed to enter and it's secrets they must keep. The doors are always shut, privacy is very important. No prying eyes. 

I am in the last two groups. I am a snail. I exist within a shell of my home, I will feel extremely naked without it. 

Nothing in my home is overly expensive, my home itself is humble. It is full of things that I and perhaps only I appreciate (a deep kitchen sink and a window in the bathroom). It is testament to God's faithfulness to me that this place was found without any effort, right on time when I needed it and every bit of it, including the cost of it suited me and just me perfectly. I have perhaps the best flat, ie has the best view, in an ex-council (very low class) building in what is perhaps the most prestigious private estate in Southeast London. The best bit is the heating is free, automatically turned on too high and virtually impossible for me to adjust down. I lived in sub-tropical temperature through the cold weather guilt-free. There is even carpet in the bathroom so I won't be cold ever. The hot water shower is amazing for a non-power basic bathroom. I love the plain white square tiles in the bathroom. Every wall and cabinet is in white, every room has a large window with a fantastic view of greenery. Yet, no neighbours can look into my flat. Even the really old fixtures in the flat - like the 70s window shutters and old-fashioned glass-panelled doors were like major architectural features for me, even if they were junk to everyone else. Foxes in the garden for interest. Birds wake me naturally in the morning. I smell wood and flowers as I walk into the compound, sometimes the lavendar is in bloom and I smell those. Other times it's tulips or roses. As I walk home from the station, I walk on a street full of beautiful wisteria covered mansion houses, the moon shining brightly through the trees usually.

I will really miss my home.

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