"Nordin Montong - He courts death in tiger's den..........The 32-year old zoo cleaner from Sarawak made the news last month when he did the most bizzare thing. He climbed into the white tiger enclosure and baited the animals using a pail and a broom before being mauled to death by the big cats - and in full view of unsuspecting zoo visitors who thought it was all a show.

His death sparked a heated debate on whether the Singapore Zoo was safe. Readers wrote in to the Straits Times about their encounters with an elephant running freely on the zoo's pedestrian path and cleaners blissfully sweeping in the crocodile enclosure.
In the wake of Mr Nordin's death, the zoo is mulling over new moves like installing alarms at the dangerous animals enclosures which guests or staff can trigger."
Whaaa??? The zoo is only MULLING over new safety measures? Wow. Those animal tranquilizers must have airborne qualities too. The cleaners sound like they need some heavy duty health and safety training. Here we are, sitting in our aircon offices with not so much as an ant to hurt us, learning about administering CPR and doing fire drills every other week, while they are crocodile dundees all.
Me amused. Sorry about the dead guy tho.
1 comment:
Probably, it does not mention the fact that this guy was mentally disturbed and was in a sense suicidal.
Was throwing stones at the croc and then the tiger exhibit before jumping in for the mauling.
So yes it is true as far as the mulling part, well that one is the typical Singapore knee jerk reaction loh
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