Indulging myself as both winter and shopping frenzy raged on outside, i slept in. Upon slowly waking, i made a big bowl of instant kimchi noodles for brunch and sat watching continuous episodes of LOST - Season 3.
LOST - is newly found to me. I never watched beyond a couple of episodes of the 1st season on TV. To my surprise, Episodes 18 to 23 of Season 3 were wonderful and now i am hooked.
In Episode 23, the rockstar - Charlie, went on a kamikaze mission to shut off a telecom jamming device that was underwater. He knew the risks he was taking and had the composure before the event to take time to reflect on the best moments in his short life. They included the first time he met Clare - his sweetheart in the show, the first time he heard his song on the radio etc. He had 5 items on his list.
This being the year end, plus the fact that i just celebrated my 3-?th birthday a month ago, my mind has been drifting towards creating a list of my own. Venturing tentatively and in no particular order, i came up with 3. Reserving 4) and 5) for the next ?? years of my life seems appropriate....
1) When i found out that i had the top scores for the A Levels. (if you ever read this, I am still thanking you for it Jen!).
2) Touring Nami-Island in South Korea with my parents, sis and bro-in-law and realizing in one moment that we were enjoying the most perfect day.
3) Dressing up as very 'dead-from-internal-injuries' French-maids with my best girlfriends for Halloween at Zouk. Causing a stir by dusting down the cars entering the compound with our neon pink dusters.

It was difficult to pick just 3. How good it is to be blessed with a rich, abundant life.
french maids would be on my list too!!
Welcome to blogosphere. Hope to see more soon!
thanks! u guys are too sweet for words! what a great couple. your blogs make married life sound so attractive.
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